HMV Driving Theory Test 2


This Bahamas Heavy Motor Vehicle Highway Code Test has:

A. 20 Multiple Choice Questions.

B. 20 Minute Duration.

You must correctly answer a minimum of 16 questions (80%) to pass this driving test.

All questions are derived from the official Highway Code for The Bahamas.

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Everything you need to know for the official Bahamas Driving Theory Exam:

1. The Driving Exam consists of 40 questions.

2. The Driving Exam has a duration of 40 minutes.

3. Participants must correctly answer a minimum of 32 questions (80%) to successfully pass the Driving Exam.

1 / 20

What is the primary concern with carrying more passengers than the vehicle is licensed to carry?

2 / 20

What does it mean to park or stand your vehicle without reasonable consideration for other road users?

3 / 20

Why should you avoid spilling oil or diesel on the road when you have a breakdown?

4 / 20

How do many omnibus drivers behave towards other road users, as mentioned in the Road Code?

5 / 20

Why is it important to ensure that the vehicle is in good working order?

6 / 20

What is the recommended maximum driving time in any period of 24 hours?

7 / 20

What kind of skills must drivers of large buses and trucks have?

8 / 20

What behavior should drivers of public service vehicles exhibit towards customers?

9 / 20

Why is it mentioned that driving fast does not make sense?

10 / 20

What should you do when you have a breakdown according to the rules about parking?

11 / 20

What is a crucial precaution to take when transporting a load containing dangerous materials?

12 / 20

What is the significance of waiting until all the passengers are seated before setting off?

13 / 20

How should you behave towards other drivers while driving the bus?

14 / 20

Why should you take extra care when approaching children in rural areas?

15 / 20

What should you use to check for cyclists and motorcyclists that may have come up on the inside of your vehicle at junctions?

16 / 20

What should public service vehicle drivers strive to accomplish when interacting with business visitors and tourists?

17 / 20

What is recommended to do when driving to keep control of your vehicle?

18 / 20

What is the goal of driving sensibly?

19 / 20

Which of the following is an essential item to check for in the engine care during regular safety checks?

20 / 20

What duties must the owners and drivers of omnibuses take seriously?

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Bahamas Heavy Motor Vehicle Exams

HMV Driving Theory Test 2 and Its Questions

We can take as a definite certainty that when you’re driving an enormous bus or a truck, you must have some very good driving skills to keep things safe. And, it’s absolutely undeniable that anyone driving people around for a job should really be watching how many people they pack into their vehicle. Going over the limit could end up really bad if there’s a crash because of everyone being squished together and not sitting right. Actually, before even getting on the road, making sure your ride is in excellent shape is key to keeping everyone on the road out of harm’s way. And speaking of keeping things smooth, double-checking the oil level in the engine is a must-do. You don’t want your vehicle making noises and having trouble halfway through the trip. Getting into more specific material, if you’re hauling dangerous items around, having a fire extinguisher ready to use is extremely important just in case a fire decides to start. You never know when you might need it. To ensure you’re prepared for operating heavy vehicles safely, practice our HMV Driving Theory Test.

Next up, the thing about waiting till everyone’s sitting down before you drive away cannot be overlooked. It makes sure no one suddenly falls down because you decided to start moving too soon. And about driving down the street – playing it spectacular and not speeding too much saves on gas, keeps your ride from breaking down, and lowers the chance of getting into a bad crash. In addition it’s nicer for everyone else on the road. Making sure you’re not leaking oil or diesel fuel is part of that because no one wants to slip or damage the road itself. One part about driving several people around is you rather become the face of wherever they’re visiting. Showing tourists and business visitors a good time, in the beginning, and end makes an enormous difference in what they think about the location. For more insights on safe driving practices, check out our tips for safe driving in the Bahamas.

Then there’s moving your vehicle off to the side if needed, so you’re not in everyone’s way and causing a jam. Also, reading the road signs and keeping an eye out ahead is fundamental in staying in control; this is extremely important, especially in places with young people who might just join in front of you. Test your knowledge of road signs with our Traffic Signs Driving Theory Test.

About safety for those not in cars, like when you’re about to turn, always check your mirrors for people on bikes and others coming up next to you. It’s of significant consequence for keeping them safe. To brush up on general driving rules, try our General Driving Theory Test.

Parking like you’ve got some sense, and not only wherever you want, matters because nobody likes their day ruined because someone blocked the way or was just plain inconsiderate. It’s but true; a large amount of bus drivers race around as if they’re in a kind of contest with everyone. And don’t do more than 10 hours of driving in a day – because that’s likely to cause problems. Lastly, remember being decent and polite, especially when driving a bus, because being kind and friendly helps everyone. And it goes back to taking your role in the local area exactly what owners and drivers of buses and public service vehicles must keep on their minds. For a comprehensive overview of driving regulations, visit our Road Traffic Highway Code Test.